Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Life With Little Sammy...chapter 6

I just knew that once I went back to work that Sammy would forget that I wasn't going to be at home. He came home to get some mac and cheese and found me gone and started to cry. I found him sound asleep in his outdoor room. My poor little baby. I told him again that he can't come home to visit me in the afternoons because I have to work. He was so sad about it, but I told him that's how I make money and that I have to work. I certainly wish that I could spend all day with him, but that just can't happen. I told Sammy that I have my MP3 player and it has pictures of him, Dean and Jess on it and I look at them all day long. I miss him as much as he misses me.

Little Sammy, Dean and Jess wanted me to start writing down our favorite shows in order of how we loved them. Here's our list for the week ending Oct. 3.
1. Gossip Girl
2. Smallville
3. One Tree Hill
4. Vampire Diaries
5. Supernatural
I don't know what happened to Supernatural. It was our favorite until this week. Little Sammy and Dean actually fell asleep during it and missed the best part of the show. Little Jess loved watching Castiel and so did I. I loved seeing him smile on the show. Little Jess woke up Sammy and Dean at the end and told them that Sam and Dean were back together and they all started dancing around and screaming. Now they can't wait for next Thursday because they'll get to see Sam and Dean together again. Little Dean can't wait to see Paris Hilton because he can't wait to see her smash Dean's face with her shoe. I told them that the episode looks funny and that it will probably make us all laugh and smile.

Little Dean is really enjoying Smallville because I think he has a little crush on Lois. He gets all excited when she comes on. Little Jess cried this Friday because the Green Arrow wasn't on. Sammy was just happy to see Clark and I told them I liked everything about it. All our shows look great for next week and we can't wait.

Little Sammy asked again about the message boards and what people were saying about Sam. I told them that they were saying good things. I try to go on the boards when I have the time, but I can't go on too often because they drive me crazy. I told Sammy that I've been reading a few threads on the message boards I look at and they've been saying all kinds of stuff. They have a lot of theories and ideas for the show. I told little Sammy what I think will happen and he looked sad. I then told him that I don't know what Kripke and Co have planned for Sam, but we just have to wait. I told him to think positively and believe that everything will turn out good for Sam. Sammy asked me if I think Sam is evil and I said he's the least evil person on Supernatural right now. Sam wants to save people and that's not evil, that's good in my opinion.

Little Sammy and Jess were playing school in Sammy's school room and what I feared the most happened. Little Jess bit my little Sammy. It wasn't a hard bite and it didn't draw blood, but I was mad at little Jess. I told her that if she did that again, then she wouldn't be able to come over and play with Sammy anymore. She cried and said she was sorry. She said she just got excited because she loves Sammy so much. I told her that she has to be careful and that her fangs are sharp and she could really hurt him. She started to cry again and I held her and told her it was alright. I told her that I loved her and that I want her to come over and see Sammy, but that she has to be careful. She told me that she would. She's such a little sweetheart and I have to admit that sometimes I want to bite my little Sammy, too. He is just so cute and adorable. I told her that and she laughed and smiled.

My little Sammy, Dean and Jess make my day and my week. Whenever I'm stressed or I get depressed, they are always there for me and I love them.