Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dan Scott On One Tree Hill

I was so happy to see Dan Scott back on One Tree Hill. I don't know if he's just going to be on the one episode or more, but I'm happy. Even if he was only in one episode of this season, that's good enough for me. I just love Paul Johansson and I love him for playing Dan Scott on Tree Hill. He's one of the reasons I started and kept watching Tree Hill. I love his character. Yeah, he's been considered one of the bad guys, but he's been good too. He's done a lot of good things and helped a lot of people since he shot his brother, so he's trying to atone for what he did. He'll never be able to take what he did back and he's paying every day for what he did. I love how Quinn went to him and asked him for advice on how to kill someone and I love what he told her. Those scenes were the best scenes I've seen on Tree Hill so far this season. I hope that Paul will be on more episodes in the second half of the season, but if he's not, then that's okay too. I just love him and want more of him.

I went on the CW message board and posted in Hell House because that's the only place I want to post right now. I love how someone told about online Trollers. I was called a Troll on that message board because I loved Jared and his character of Sam more than I loved Jensen and his character of Dean. I wanted to post about how I felt about Sam's character and what I thought and I was called a troll for it. And just because I didn't think Dean's character was some great saint and the greatest thing on Supernatural. I loved that shit. Then I was banned for trolling in a thread I made for loving or hating characters. I said I hated Sam, Dean, Castiel and Bobby and I was banned for doing it because that was considered trolling. That's the stupidest crap ever. What the hell was I trolling for in my own thread. I stated you could love or hate any character in it. Of course, I love Sam, Dean, Castiel and Bobby, but I was angry and took out my anger on fictional characters instead of real people. I sometimes forget that some people can't tell the difference between a fictional character and reality. That Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby or any other character could care less what you say about them because they are not real. Gotta love those Mods on that site. Then once I went on One Tree Hill's message board and asked if anyone liked Mark Schwann and the Mods deleted the thread and probably thought I was trolling on that board, when I love the show. It's stupid and it made me so angry. You can't even go on those boards and post about anything or some cry baby will cry to a Mod and act like a little kid or something or whine about you bashing a fictional character. It's really scary at times. I love to talk Supernatural and what's happening, but there is no way in hell I'm going to try again on that board. I'll keep posting in Hell House and my other two threads and that's it. Sometimes I go on and read some interesting threads, but now a days, there isn't very many of them.

I went to the dentist yesterday and had six cavities filled. I was in that dentist chair for over an hour and half. It felt like I was strapped to a torture device or something. I'm glad that I didn't have more problems with my teeth. Those cavities already cost me a ton of money. Here's the reason I don't go to the dentist or I'm reluctant to go to one. When I was a kid, my sisters and brother and I went to this horrible dentist. He could have starred in a horror movie or something. I can still remember his face and I just think of it and don't want to go to the dentist now that I'm older. I remember my Mom and brother having to talk me into getting my teeth done. One time I had 12 cavities and that dentist filled them all. Later, when he died and my brother went to his son who became a dentist, my brother found out that he drilled good teeth that didn't even have cavaties and he made holes in our teeth to make sure we'd get cavities. That's just sick. Of course, there was nothing you could do about it then because he wad dead and there was no proof of what he did. I just remember brushing my teeth really good and hoping I didn't have a ton of caviites when I went. It seemed like every time I went, I did have cavaties, but I probably didn't. The dentist I've been going to now is very good and nice, but I just still remember that other dentist and cringe every time I go to a dentist or have my teeth drilled on.

Okay, back to the shows. I loved Life Unexpected tonight too. That Thanksgiving on there topped them all. I loved when Cate spit on the turkey, that was just too good. That show has been kind of up and down this season, but this episode was the best so far. I loved it and I hope that Cate and Ryan have a baby together, but I bet that Cate will lose the baby somehow because so many fans want Cate and Baze together. I don't. I love Cate and Ryan and I think they look cute together and they are cute together. I can just guess what's going to happen. I bet Cate will somehow lose the baby and then not be able to conceive again and that will mean that Lux will be her only kid and I will be angry because that happened on a soap I used to watch and I was so pissed off. I loved Port Charles and I loved Kevin and Lucy and Lucy lost their baby and could not have another one and so the little girl she conceived for her friend and Scott was the only child she could ever be close to and that was crap. I hated it. I just hope something unexpected happens on Life Unexpected and it turns out better than that.