It took me a while to find a good picture, but I did. I wanted to put a picture of Richard without his shirt on, but that could be considered sexual in nature. Man, but those pictures were hotter than a firecracker. Craig Horner is one hot, burning hunk of a man. I can't wait until Legend starts in three weeks. It feels like I've been waiting forever. Supernatural has been so good lately that I haven't been paying a lot of attention to Legend. I found the DVD set at the store and I don't even know when it came out. There was one episode that I never even got to see. It was nice to watch it. I'm going to watch some more episodes that I missed parts of too. I'm really glad that Legend was on last year and it almost replaced Supernatural as my favorite show that I'm obsessed with. Scary, but it almost happened. Richard to me was more of a hero than Sam and Dean last year. I love to see characters struggling with right and wrong, but Sam and Dean were just wrong last year. I think it was the writers and it kind of pissed me off. I took it out on message boards and in my Hell House on the CW site. I don't think Legend can beat Supernatural this season because it is so good right now. I just want to see Sam and Dean fighting evil and the show has kind of gone back to where I loved it the most. It kind of reminds me of season 3 and that was my second favorite season of Supernatural. I loved every episode of that season. I loved every episode of Legend Of The Seeker and I can't wait to see the new season. I loved the episode called "The Puppeteer" and Richard was hardly in it. It was just one of the best written shows of Legend last year. Good writing makes for good TV.
I've gone back to my farms on Facebook and to my Little Sammy, Jess and Dean. They make me happy and I love Supernatural more when I don't think about it too much. I've started to become obsessed with Farkle. I am very competitive and I want to beat all my friends for some reason. Crazy. Mafia Wars is fun to play too. I have millions of dollars and own casinos, restaurants and all kinds of things that I'd never own in real life.
I'm still going to post here about my theories, but I'm done for a while at least on the boards. I just can't take that. Someone has to try to fight with me all the time, especially crazy Dean fans who can't love Dean for who and what he is.
I'm going to believe that Sam was not addicted to that demon blood until I find out otherwise. You tell people stuff and nothing sinks in. Yes, it was like an addiction, does not mean that it was an addiction. I think Sam would've stopped once Lilith was dead and he thought he saved people, but all people want to believe is that Sam wanted to suck down that blood to get powerful and tell Dean that he was better than him. Sad. I don't think a lot of people understand Sam or Dean's characters.
Sam being corrupted or turning evil drinking demon blood. That was evil, Sam pulling out demons and sending them to hell and killing demons. That's all Sam ever did with his power. He wasn't going around threatening and killing people. He didn't take enjoyment from other people's pain and misery, in fact that's what hurts Sam the most. That people die and get hurt around him. Man, people are stupid to think Sam is the evil or even dark for that matter.
God, I've got to rant for some reason about this. Another thing I get sick of reading about Sam. He never listened to Dean, Bobby or Castiel and the other angels. What did they tell Sam? Don't use your abilities, but we won't tell you why? Just don't. Dean didn't know that killing Lilith was the final seal, if in fact it was. Was that even Lilith that Sam killed? I didn't see her white eyes to know that was her. Hell, that might not have been Ruby in that dead body, either. Dean doesn't know everything and he finally admitted that in "Fallen Idols", but that episode was stupid. Of course it was because Dean didn't look so smart in it. Dean admitted that he didn't know everything. Dean didn't know what to do when Sam drank that demon blood. Maybe if he would've talked to Sam like his brother or something, then Sam would've listened to him. Dean was as much in the dark about everything as Sam was. As for Sam trusting a demon over Dean. Dean trusted Azazel's bullcrap about Sam not being 100% pure Sam. So Dean trusted what a demon told him over what he knew about his own brother. Dean never gave Sam all the facts and then he didn't tell Sam why he changed his mind and wanted to hunt with Sam again. Maybe, it's just to make sure that Sam won't say yes to Lucifer because Dean doesn't trust Sam. Dean doesn't tell Sam things, that maybe Sam should know, but it's okay. But, Sam on the other hand should tell everything to Dean. I don't think so. If Sam would've had all the facts and knew what Dean was afraid of, then maybe he would've made better choices, but Dean didn't want to talk to Sam. The blame is on both these two and I'm sick of people heaping it all on poor Sam's head all the time, Sam already does that enough. He'd take on the weight of the world if he could.