I sat laughing all day at work today thinking about Dean reading and looking up stuff to get Sam out of hell. What kind of books could he even read or look at? The Bible wouldn't even help. As far as I know, Sam is the only one who's ever been possessed by Lucifer and ended up going to Hell with him and Michael. What the hell would Dean even research on the subject to find out how to get Sam out of Hell? It's just like when Bobby said he'd check his demon blood addiction manual when they had Sam locked up in the panic room.
I personally don't think Dean even tried anything because what could you try. The only one that could possibly be able to help would be either Death or Crowley and I doubt Dean tried to find either one of them. Maybe Dean just realized that he'd never get Sam back and just started to live. He looked pretty happy in those photos of him Lisa and Ben. Maybe the only thing Dean could do was honor the promise he made to Sam and try to live a normal life. I doubt Dean was happy all the time, but I doubt he just thought of Sam every minute either. Why didn't Dean try to get in contact with Castiel himself or ask for his help in getting Sam out of hell?
I just thought it was funny today and was thinking up all kinds of books Dean could possibly read and here's some titles. How To Get Your Possessed Brother Out Of Hell? and I'm sure it was written by an unknown author. Journey Through Hell and How To Get Out Of Lucifer's Cage Down In Hell by Lucifer himself. Maybe he wrote it in the year he was out and in between summoning the four horsemen or something.
Today at work I chose my new charity to support for next year. The money comes right out of my paycheck and goes to that charity. I chose one of Jared's charities because I was thinking about him and his love for dogs. I usually support St. Jude's, but I can send them checks throughout the year if I choose to. I still remember going to look at those videos from one of the Conventions and that stupid bitch who said what she did to Jared about his charity. Just the look on Jared's face. I wish I knew who she was. Like Jared was supporting a rotten charity or something. I give to charities and I hope they do what's right with the money I give and that's all I can do. You shouldn't just stop supporting charities. I hate to say it, but I bet a lot of those animal charities that say they don't euthanize, do anyway. They probably have to because there are just too many animals and not enough loving homes to go around for the animals to go to.
Today is the anniversary of John Denver's death. I still remember when I heard the news. I just couldn't believe it. I love John Denver and I still love him. He gave me the gift of his beautiful music to enjoy for the rest of my life and I'm so grateful to him for that. I'm also grateful to John Denver for saving my life. He did with his music. I remember being afraid of going to work and just going out and I'd listen to his music and it would give me self confidence and strength. John Denver's songs are like my favorite drug. I can listen to them and all my worries and fears go away. I can't express everything I feel for him, but I loved him and I wish I could've met him to thank him for everything he's done for me and for saving my life. He was an inspiration to me and many others.
When I came home today I saw little Sammy's new toy. It looked like it had been fought over. I asked Sammy if one of his friends and him had been playing with it or fought over it because it looked so ragged. Little Sammy said he hasn't touched it all day and he was at school. Who did that to his little bunny? Now, I'm worried.