Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Beautiful Bela and Samson

Here's some pics of my beautiful Bela. I bought her a cute cape and some toys to play with. I love her so much. She's such a good cat, sometimes too good. I wonder if whoever had her before I did mistreated her. Sometimes she cringes when I go to pet her, like I'm going to hit her or something. It's sad and I hope she realizes that I'll never hurt her. I wonder about who had her last and how they treated her. They couldn't have loved her very much if they just dumped her and left her. I think she's worried that I'll dump her or something. Or leave and never come back.
I made a new pet in that crazy game called Pet City. It's kind of fun. It's like Petville, but better, but not as good as Pet Society. I'll always love my Sammy in Pet Society the most.

I just loved the week I had. I can't believe that some stupid dog attacked me and grabbed my Harmon's shopping bag right out of my hands. It was empty, but it still made me mad and I thought the dog was going to bite me. I called animal control and told them about the dog and my neighbors other dog that they leave on some big long leash that extends to the sidewalk. Now my neighbors have their dogs tied up where they did before. I'm always scared walking by there in the morning because I'm afraid they'll get loose and attack me. I got some spray, so if they attack, they are going to get some in their dirty faces. I don't blame the dogs, I blame the owners and hopefully, I'll never have to use that spray. I just don't want to be bitten by a dog. It's something I'm afraid of. I've seen where people have been attacked and where someone even had their face bitten off. It's scary. Dogs can be used as lethal weapons, much like a gun. They can kill people and have killed people. I think that's why I love cats more. Cats don't attack people when they're walking down the street and they don't bark all day long. Cats kill birds and mice and keep their populations down. They also kill insects. Cats also don't crap all over people's lawns and huge crap besides. We have a leash law here, but sometimes people still let their dogs run wild and loose.

I did all my Black Friday shopping online. I bought a new MP3 player and The Vamp Diaries season 2 on DVD. I'll probably never go shopping in a store again on Black Friday. There are too many nuts out there anymore. It's crazy when people wait in tents out in front of the store for days for stupid sales.

I can't wait for One Tree Hill to come back on. That's what I'm most excited about concerning TV. It will be it's last season and I hope all the episodes will be good ones and that Dan will be on. I can't believe Chad Michael Murray has written a book. I'm going to buy it and read it. I love when stars are multi-talented like that. He's a great actor and I bet he's a great writer too. I'll see once his book comes out and he's supposed to be on Tree Hill so that will be great.

My sister is back from Reno and I'm happy about that because I can talk to her on the phone every day now and I've seen her twice now and can do things with her again. I'm probably going to be going to the L.A. Con by myself, but that's okay. It should be fun even if I'm alone.