Saturday, June 4, 2016

Colorado Trip 2016

Last weekend I went to Colorado on a quick road trip. I thought I'd post some of my special pics. I love to take pics of different things and then post them here. I'm crazy and I know it. I had fun spending time with my family. I don't know if they cared if they spent time with me. I love my family and I love spending time with them. I don't know how they feel about me and now I don't really care. I'm getting tired of some members of my family playing games with me. We are way to old for that shit, but whatever. I doubt I'll be spending much time with family all summer long. At least I still have my Bela and Blair. I watched the finales of my fav shows and was going to post about what I thought about them, but I've been busy or just too tired to.
That's all for now.