Monday, January 30, 2012

Gossip Girl's 100th Episode

100 episodes and still going strong in my opinion. I loved this episode very much. I read some things from other fans and some are mad and hated the episode and I loved it. Sure Blair married Louis, but that made it all the better. You thought that the wedding was stopped and Blair went and married him anyway. If she hadn't, then I would have been disappointed. I love Chuck and Blair together, but if they got together now, then what would happen later. The show would get boring. I always want to be wanting them to be together. That's what keeps me watching the show. It's a drama. I think some people tend to forget that. It's also called Gossip Girl. If the characters did nothing to gossip about, then you couldn't call it Gossip Girl anymore. It would be boring. I never expect any characters that love each other to stay together on any show. Some do and others don't. The ones that do are usually older couples. I guess the producers of some of these shows don't realize that young people can find the person they love when they're younger and actually stay with just that person.
I loved Georgina and finding out she is Gossip Girl. Michelle Trachtenberg is awesome and I've always loved her on the show. It's always fun when she shows up. I especially loved her when she found Jesus. All of that just killed me and I laughed so hard. Kristen Bell does the voice of Gossip Girl and I'm so glad that she does. I love her voice.
It's funny when I read about how fans hate the show and the other shows I watch because of the writing. They say the writing sucks, but they love the show. How can you love a show when you think the writing sucks? Obviously some people really love a show for other reasons besides if the writing is good or not. I think they bitch about the writing and hope that the show will be written how they want it. I doubt it will ever happen, but they can keep bitching. If the writing of any show of mine starts to suck, then who cares. I watch some of my shows for different reasons. It's what I get out of them that matters. Whether it's a good cry, a good laugh or I get inspired by them. If I don't like a show anymore, then I stop watching it and move on.
Once Upon A Time is really growing on me and I love it. I can't wait to see the next episode every week. All my shows are new right now and I love them all. Sure sometimes some episodes are better than others, like Supernatural right now. Hopefully good episodes are coming up and if not then I have all my other shows to watch.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Do I Still Love Supernatural?

Of course I still love Supernatural and I always will. I'll especially love the first three seasons because those were my favorites. It really hasn't been the same since season 4 started. I personally don't feel like Sam and Dean act like brothers and I don't think Dean treats Sam like a brother anymore. I watched "Simon Said" and I loved how Dean put his hand on Sam's arm and was being protective of him when they were talking to Ellen and Sam was telling her about his visions. I don't see Dean being that way now. He treats Sam like he's some freak or monster and is waiting until the day he'll have to kill him or something. I hate that. It's just the way Dean looks at Sam with disgust at times as well.
I love how after Sam killed Lilith and broke the final seal, Dean acted like Sam is the one that brought the Apocalypse on all by himself. Like Dean never was weak and broke in hell and broke the first seal and had any part in it. Castiel told Dean that he was the only one that could stop the apocalypse and he didn't lie about it. It was all on Dean and he failed not because he didn't stop Sam from drinking demon blood and killing Lilith, but because he had no faith in himself or in Sam. He gave up and didn't care about anything. Then in season 5, it was like he gave up again on himself, God and Sam and was going to give himself to Michael. He didn't give a crap about how Sam was feeling or what he was going through. Dean only gave a crap about himself and he thought he was the only one that could do everything. He wasn't arrogant or self righteous, but Sam was when he thought he was the only one that could stop Lilith and kill her. Sam wasn't wrong about that. He was the only one that could kill her.
Then you have the sixth season that takes place after Sam jumped into Hell to save the world and Dean going to play house with Lisa and Ben. Dean finds out Sam has no soul and it's still in Hell and what is he more worried about. That his brother's soul is suffering horribly or that his soulless body is going around hunting and maybe killing innocents in the process, but probably saving more people in the long run. Dean just was worried about soulless Sam killing people and that's all he cared about and wanted to stop. He never stopped to think how Sam would feel or what would happen to him once he got his soul back. Dean just wanted his brother back to give him some self worth again or to not be along or whatever. He never gave a thought about Sam possibly suffering any effects of what happened to him. He was probably counting on good old Castiel to be there if that wall fell and fix Sam so he was new again. Like Castiel could really do that. Then Castiel goes and tears that wall down and I bet Dean cares more about losing Castiel than he does about what's happening to Sam. You could tell at the beginning of the season that Dean was sad about good old Cas.

Now onto to season 7 and Dean is just worried about Sam going psycho and killing people. He's not worried about what Sam is going through because if he was, he'd know that Sam is not okay and hasn't been since that wall came down in his mind. You'd think Dean would be more worried or care about that. Like that would be his driving force and what made him get back into hunting again long before what happened with Bobby. Dean should be super angry at Castiel for what he did to Sam or allowed to happen to Sam.

I really enjoyed the first couple of episodes of season 7 and then it started going downhill after the sixth episode. I loved the wedding episode because at least we got to see Sam in the story and it was funny. The other episodes have been so so. A lot of the episodes to me have been just rehashed stories or goofy episodes to showcase Dean and how great he is. I want to believe that we'll finally get some Sam focus and storyline, but I just don't. I remember all the other seasons and wishing and hoping for the same thing only to get disappointed time after time after time. I'm getting tired of waiting for something that will never happen. I want to believe Jared and believe what he said about what's coming up for Sam, but then I think why would the writers allow him to tell what he did. Probably because that's not all that's going to happen. I'm sure the last episodes of the season will be all about poor Dean and his big secret and his problems and guilt or who cares. I sure don't. I'm tired of watching The Dean Show. If there is a season 8, then I hope the show either goes back to being about both Sam and Dean and focusing on both of them. Or, it can be all The Dean Show and I just won't watch it anymore. Jared can take all the time off he wants to spend with Gen and his new baby and I'll be very happy for them. I'm just not going to keep watching a show that only focuses on one of the leads and not the other. When I started watching Supernatural, I loved it because I knew my favorite character Sam would have plenty of story and the show would just be about him and Dean. The first three seasons were like this. You had stories and good stuff for both of them. Then in season 4 it was all about Dean and more Dean. And Castiel. Then season 5, it was about Dean, Castiel and Bobby. Season 6, Dean, Castiel and Bobby. Season 7, more Dean, Castiel and Bobby. So what the hell happened to Sam. It's like his character is just a piece of crap to those three and all the other guest stars that appear on the show. The show now is more about Dean and the guest stars, than Dean and Sam.

I was going to start posting more on that new board and I doubt I'm going to be going on there very much at all. It's just like the old board. Fights over bullshit. Sniveling over fictional characters that are not real. Goofy crap. I'd love to debate about some stuff on the show, but it's not possible to. Dean fans can say whatever they want to because you know what, they always get what they want and that's Dean front and center always on Supernatural. I hate to say this, but I'm going to anyway and I hope it changes when the show comes back on. Supernatural is no longer must see TV for me. I think I have to watch old episodes just to keep loving and watching the new episodes. I still watch every new episode when it airs, but lately I haven't really cared whether I miss it or not. I haven't missed any of the new episodes yet, but if it keeps going on the way it has, I probably will and I won't care. I'm still looking forward to going to the Burbank Con because I love all the stars and I love what they've brought to Supernatural. All the stars have great personalities and they make the Con so fun and I love to listen to them talk on stage.

Maybe I also need to stop listening to other fans and how they feel about the show. I think sometimes just knowing what they think and feel makes me not want to watch my favorite show anymore. I think during season 4, I almost stopped watching mainly because of what other fans were saying about the show and Sam. How horrible he was to poor Dean? How stupid he was not to listen to Dean and the angels? How stupid he was to sleep with Ruby and drink demon blood and kill demons and save Dean? How stupid he was to try and stop the apocalypse and the seals from breaking? How great and wonderful Dean was because he was going to save the world, even though he helped to start the apocalypse. Like Dean was the big hero and Sam the big villian of the show. Now it's like that again in season 7.
I think I need to stop reading spoilers, stop listening to other goofy fans opinions and stop reading about what could happen on the show. Spoilers are around to get you excited for the show and sometimes all they do is make me not want to watch at all.

Okay, I think I'm done for now.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I Hate Waiting

I hate all this waiting. Two more weeks to The Woman In Black. I haven't been excited for a movie to come out in a long time. I just can't wait to see Daniel Radcliffe in a different movie. I love him as Harry Potter, but I know he has so much more potential and he's a great actor. I love horror movies as well and it's been a long time since I've seen a good one. The Woman In Black looks really good and I hope that I'm going to love it. I'm going to either take off work on the 3rd or go see it after work. I doubt I'll miss Supernatural because I should be home before it comes on. Why does all the good stuff have to be all on one day? Supernatural looks good, but if I happen to miss it for some reason, I can watch it online later. I just hope there is going to be some good twist to it and not more poor Dean crap. I'm really not looking forward to this episode as much as I'm looking forward to the one after it.

I've thought up so much I want to write about, but now I've forgotten it all. I think about stuff while I'm working and then when I get home or on the weekends, my mind goes blank and I can't think what I was going to write. Oh well, does it really matter. I wish I had an iPhone or something and then I could write it down at work.
Life has been going okay lately, except part of my tooth just broke off and I'll have to go to the dentist to get it fixed. I really don't have the money right now. I have to have money for the L.A. Con and now I'll probably need a cap and possibly a root canal. I just started back to work and I have to wait for my first paycheck which is not very much. Hopefully, I won't be released anytime soon. There's not a lot of work, but hopefully more comes in soon. I hope I get something back in taxes because otherwise I'll be broke for a long time.

I haven't had very much time to go on message boards, Twitter or anything else because I've been working during the week and I'm gone for almost twelve hours a day. I'd rather play on Facebook first with my little Sammy and Co and all the other stuff I play. And how many of my shows are new right now and I watch them. I'm still waiting for Ringer to come back on. I've been watching The Biggest Loser because there is nothing else on and I'm probably gaining weight watching it. I eat like a pig or something watching all those people exercising, crying and trying to lose a pound or two and then seeing who gets booted off. Celebrity Apprentice will be starting soon and I can't wait for it. It should be good. It's one of the only reality shows that I really love to watch.

I watched Once Upon A Time and it's pretty good. It's not must see TV yet for me, but it could happen. I really liked the Hansel and Gretel episode. I usually don't watch any of the big networks. I watch a few things, like Celebrity Apprentice and America's Got Talent but other than that, I hardly watch those networks. I don't like them because they've cancelled so many good shows that I loved in the past and I don't trust them anymore. At least CW keeps some shows around for a while, even when their ratings aren't great. Those other networks have cancelled shows for strange reasons that haven't even involved their ratings. I'm glad my favorite shows were never on them or they would have been cancelled long ago. I used to love all those networks when I was a kid and now I don't. Maybe I loved them because they were the only ones on TV back then, now there are a ton of other networks with a ton of shows and choices.

I'm sure I had more to post about, but I can't think of it right now.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Time After Time After Time

I thought Time After Time After Time was a good episode, but it was just like Frontierland. It seems like the writers of Supernatural can't think up anything new and are just going with stuff that worked on previous episodes and putting new twists on them. I didn't even laugh during this episode and that's pretty sad. I thought everything that happened has already happened before. Like with Dean in the past. He was excited to wear the clothes. Same old same old, just like in Frontierland. Frontierland was cuter and more funny as far as I was concerned. It worked better and I loved it more because it was both Sam and Dean in the past. That older woman was just like the whore in Frontierland, but she actually got to kiss Dean. What I loved most about the episode was finally seeing Sam interact with someone other than Dean for a change? I love Jodie Mills and I hope we see her again.
I want to be more optimistic where Sam is concerned, but it's getting very hard. I want to believe that he'll finally get some screentime and a story, but I'm getting tired of waiting around for it. It seems like Sam's whole story is offscreen and unimportant to the writers. Maybe they think all the fans just want to see Dean all the time. I'm tired of Dean's same old storyline for the last 3 seasons. He's guilty, he's tired, he's watched how many people he loved die. Snivel, snivel and snivel. He's not the only one. I think Sam is right there with him and it seems like most of the time, Dean only cares about himself and how he feels and could care less about Sam.
I got really excited about reading some spoilers and the stuff Jared was saying that was coming up for Sam and then I thought about it and is it going to be like it was at the beginning of the season. I was all excited and couldn't wait to see Sam dealing with his hell memories and all that stuff and what did we get, pratically nothing. Two episodes that had how much and then it was back to poor Dean and his tired old storyline. I call Supernatural the Dean Show for a reason. It's seems like the whole show revolves mainly around Dean and about Dean. Sam is just there to help and support Dean and nothing else. I'd actually rather see Soulless Sam again because he at least got to have a personality. It seems like Sam is just there and we still don't know very much about him. I guess it's because he's so deep and all that, but I'm tired of waiting around. We know everything there is to know about Dean. His favorite song, his favorite this that and the other. Sam is just there and that's about it. Hell, he can't even be smart about anything anymore. Now Dean knows computer crap and everything else, so what does he need Sam around for. It's like Sam is some big dumb moose that just follows Dean around and does his bidding all the time.
I think the ratings have gone down because Sam and Jared fans are tired of waiting around for any storyline for Sam. At least Jared got to shine when he played soulless Sam and that was some of his best acting ever. He gets his soul back and we don't get to see his emotions. What was the point of him getting his soul back? So Dean would feel better and because Dean was worried he'd kill people. Obviously, Dean doesn't care if people live or die anymore. It seems like he was only hunting to save the people he loved and cared about and not everyone that he could.

I voted how many times for Supernatural to win the People's Choice Awards and then I watched the show and got crapped on because CBS didn't even bother to show or mention who won the best drama on the air. CBS just wanted to promote their crappy shows. I can't believe all the crap they had on instead of announcing how many of the awards. It was supposed to be an award show and not some show to promote their crap. I wanted to see awards presented and not all the other crap they had on. I read that Jared and Jensen were invited but didn't go because they would not have shown them receiving their award on TV. There would have been no point to them going. I'm glad Nina won for Vampire Diaries. I liked that Ellen won as well. Otherwise that awards show was an utter waste of time. I should have looked more on the Internet and I would have known they weren't going to be on and I could have gone to bed earlier.

Now on to work. I knew there was hardly anything coming in at my work. We already got a release notice and I could be released next week. I hope that doesn't happen because I need the money for the Convention. My unemployment is way less than it was last year. I guess I've just started to accept stuff. I accept being treated like crap at work. I accept that Sam will never be a valid character on Supernatural again. I accept all the crap thrown at me because that's the way the world works. You either accept the crap and live with it or you don't. I can snivel about everything, but what good will it do. None.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Twitter, Facebook and Back To Work

I'm having fun on Twitter and Facebook, but I have to go back to work tomorrow. I've been trying to figure out the whole twitter thing. Is it important to retweet someone? Do they like for you to retweet them? Do they like you to mention them or not? Stuff like that. I mainly just go on and say whatever I feel like. I don't talk to a lot of people on there because I haven't figured a lot of stuff out. It's hard to cram what you want to say into as few words as possible. I sometimes hit my limit and it says I need to be more clever. I try to be. Oh well! I just love to follow people and mainly see what they're tweeting. I love to see what some of the stars are tweeting about. I sometimes laugh my ass off at some of those tweets. It kills me.
Facebook is my favorite place to be on the Internet. Sure, I don't connect with a lot of people on there, but I love to play the games and that's how I connect with them. I love helping others get stuff for the games they are playing and picking up stuff I need. My little Sammy is my favorite. I started playing Pet Society right away and it's still my favorite. I love how a certain woman on my account says she's playing a silly game with her daughter about Pet Society. I think she loves Pet Society and she plays on her daughter's account. Her daughter probably never plays.
I'm how old and I don't feel guilty for playing Pet Society or any other game. I can play whatever I want to. They're all games, so I doubt one is more for older people than another. Some people think certain games are for kids only. I don't. I don't consider Pet Society as a game, though. It's just fun to visit my Sammy and have fun with him. I don't care what level I'm on or anything like that.
I wonder what's going to be going on when I go back to work. I hope there is work there and it's not like last year. Last year there was hardly any work and I don't know why I was called back so early. The year before, I wasn't called back until Feb. They keep telling us that our work is going down all the time, but keep calling me back when there's hardly any work to do. It doesn't make any sense at all. Who knows what will happen? I just hope it's not crazy crap.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Supernatural Made Me Very Happy

I loved Supernatural tonight and I thought it was very well written and I just loved everything about it. Sure, I wouldn't have minded seeing some more Sammy, but overall the episode was very entertaining. I actually started to love and feel for Dean again and I haven't for a long time. I'm sad about Bobby dying, but I hope he's really dead and if he does come back, it's either in a memory or something like that. No character ever really dies on Supernatural. Gramps came back from the dead, so Bobby could as well. The thing is, Gramps wasn't very nice and maybe if Bobby came back from the dead, he wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't want to see that. What's dead should stay dead?
I don't think Sam is okay or I'm hoping that he's not. He just hasn't acted like himself for quite a while now. I know that he'd be telling Dean things that he needs to hear, whether he'd want to hear them or not and he's not saying much to Dean and that's what makes me think he's really not doing so well.
I know some Sam fans are not going to like the episode because there wasn't enough Sam in it. I'm a Sam fan and I was satisfied with what I got of Sam. Sure, there was a whole lot more focus on Dean and his emotions and everything, but when isn't it like that. I've gotten used to it. I actually loved seeing Dean maybe hearing some things he needed to hear from other people. Like he's not the only one that has lost people he loves.
I loved those scenes between him and Krissy. It was nice to see a younger girl hunter. You know they are out there. I think Dean saw a lot of Sam in that Krissy girl. I still think Dean wishes that things could be different for Sam. I think Dean feels like he failed Sam and maybe that's what's wrong with him right now. He's guilty about it. And he probably feels like he failed Sam all along. Dean knew that Sam wanted a normal and safe life and he probably still feels guilty because he had pulled Sam back into that life and Dean didn't want to be alone hunting and wanted Sam with him.
I also totally enjoyed Sam being tied up and bleeding. I never get tired of that. I loved how he antagonized that creature,( I can't remember what it was called)to bite him instead of Krissy's father. That shows you that Sam is always putting others before himself. He'd die to save someone else. He knew that one more bite and Krissy's dad was dead. He only got bitten once, so he knew he wouldn't die.

It would be really interesting if the writers did something I've wished for. I've thought about this and I'd love it. What if everything that has happened so far from the end of Hello Cruel World on, has all been happening in Sam's head? Maybe he's in the hospital or the panic room and everything is taking place in his mind. What if he's trapped inside himself and can't get out? Now that would be a really good twist. I doubt it will happen, but if it did, I'd totally love it. Bobby wouldn't be dead for one thing. Just thinking about some of the things Lucifer told to Sam in the first two episodes makes me think certain things.

I'm happy though and I loved Adventures In Babysitting. I'm going back to work on Monday and I was mad and depressed about it and now I'm okay.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What Bullshit?

I need somewhere to vent and I decided to do it on my blog and I don't care anymore.
I ride the UTA and I'm getting tired of less and less service from them. It started about how many years ago and it's getting worse and worse. I used to ride the bus to work everyday and it was great. The bus only took about 20 minutes to get me to my work and the same coming home. Now I have to ride for 50 minutes in the morning and after work for 1 hour and 1/2 home and use two buses instead of one. That's a waste of how much time. The UTA used to claim they were saving people time and money. They may save some people money, but now they just waste people's time. I used to have three buses that took me to one of our malls and now you ride one bus to a train station, wait for 30 to 50 minutes to ride another one to the mall or the area around the mall. I usually just ride the one bus and walk the rest of the way because it saves me time and I get there quicker than waiting for a bus that may not come.
Now UTA is having less and less service around the holidays. I wonder if the drivers don't want more time off and were complaining about it and they gave them the time. It does not make sense to me that they would not be running on a day when college classes started back up and a Jazz game was tonight. The person who was tweeting said that they decided to not have buses running because it was a low ridership day. Yeah, I hope they tell that to all the people who were waiting to take the train to the Jazz game. Or to the college kids who have no other way to go to school except the bus or trax. Maybe they can tell that to all the people who work jobs that needed to work today because they don't work for the state or federal government.
Twice now, I've had to worry about not getting to work because the bus that takes me to my building doesn't run on certain days. Like the 24th of July, our state holiday which I do not get off. I have to tell my boss and then she doesn't believe me and thinks I should drive my non-existent car to work instead. Like it's my fault that I can't make it to work. When they have days with limited service, it's really limited. I work at 6 in the morning and on those days the bus doesn't start going until after 7. I'd be how late to work because I'd have to take the bus and then walk how many miles the rest of the way. I don't know anyone at work that even works the same shift I do and I should not have to beg them for rides when I should be able to count on public transportation.
I don't know why this made me so angry. I guess because I ride the bus and who knows what they'll do next. Will I even be able to ride the bus to work or even work the job I currently have if they do cut even more service. I used to ride the bus to the library and now I just walk there because it's pointless to take the bus because I still have to walk how far to get there. I guess walking is good for me, but not in the crappy polluted air I have to breathe. I love how the news people tell about riding public transportation to cut the pollution. How can you ride, when they don't run?
I just remember in the past when I rode the bus and I could always count on it and now I can't anymore. It sucks. It's all about employee satisfaction and not customer service everywhere anymore. The people who ride the bus are customers and UTA could care less what their needs are and why they even ride the bus. Maybe they think people ride for the fun of it and not because they need to.
I'm done now and I hope I have this out of my system.