Monday, January 27, 2014


Like a dumb idiot, I still have hope in my heart that Pet Society and my Sammy will come back. That's only my heart, my head is telling me that it will never come back. I miss my little Sammy so much. Nothing compares to Pet Society and nothing ever will. It was unique and wonderful and my little Sammy was so alive. No one could understand that, unless they actually ever went to play Pet Society. It was a magical place full of love, friendship and peace. 
I think I've given up all the hope I had of ever seeing Sam again on Supernatural. The Sam from the first couple of seasons. I remember how we used to get to see all of his emotions and feelings and now he's just like some robot or something. Everything is internal, which just means that Sam has zero emotions anymore or he's not allowed to express them or talk about them like he did before. I love how Sam said he was so angry all the time in season 5, but we never got to see it and it sure didn't feel like he was angry when I watched.  Dean fans are bored if Sam expresses any emotions, but Dean sure can express every emotion he has and it's the greatest thing ever. I've seen Dean angry, beating on everything and everyone. I've seen him crying and you get to know everything he feels, but with Sam you don't get to because it's all internal and not external like Dean. I had hope that the show just might be good again, but my hope for that is gone as well. When I saw that Ben Edlund was not going to be writing for the show anymore, then I knew it was almost over. All the writers that could write Sam's character have all left the show. Now all that's left are the writers that only think there is one main character on the show and it's Dean. Dean interacts with every character, every guest star, hell he even gets to interact with the animals. It's a miracle when Sam actually gets to talk to anyone besides Dean. And when he does, the scenes are how short and he never says much at all.
The reason I've loved other shows to their very end was because the creator, writers and producers were the same from the start to the finish. They stayed with their show because they loved them. Obviously, Kripke didn't or any of the other writers and producers. Now, we just have dumb writers that only want to please certain parts of the Supernatural fandom. Mainly the ones that just love Dean and Castiel. Whatever. 
I'm really starting to love that word. Whatever. Whatever. 
I guess now I'll just have to content myself with enjoying Jared's tweets because that's about all I can do. I don't enjoy watching him play an  unemotional character anymore. Hopefully, one day he'll either be in a movie or some other show. If I miss seeing him, I'll just watch one of the movies he was in or my episodes of the Gilmore Girls that he's in. Or maybe, if I'm in a good mood, I'll watch the first couple of seasons of Supernatural when he played my favorite character on TV. 

I will never let go of my hope for Pet Society and my little Sammy. My love is forever. 
It's so hard to give up when you love something so much or you used to love it, like I loved Supernatural. But, I think it's time to finally give up and stop hoping for what I've always hoped for because it's never going to happen and I need to accept that and move on.  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Vampire Diaries 100th Episode Compared To Supernaturals

I just loved the 100th episode of Vampire Diaries. I love that the writers of the show have never let me down. I've been a fan of this show since the very first episode. The only reason I don't post about it very often is because I love it so much. All I'd say in a post is that I love it.
I love how this show can always bring how many characters together in one story and make it all cohesive. I love how the 100th episode was about Katherine. I even cried while watching parts of it. Nina Dobrev is my favorite actress right now and I think she's the best actress on TV. I love how she has played multiple roles on this show for almost five years now. She's amazing and so are all the cast members. I was so happy to see all the old faces on the show again. I've missed all these characters, but I'm glad that the writers haven't brought them all back from the dead. That's when the show would get stupid. I was also so happy to see Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah. I love watching them all on The Originals and that show kicked ass this week.
Everything was perfect in this 100th episode. I don't ship any characters together and maybe that's why I love and enjoy this show. I don't care which characters are on the screen together because they all are great and they all have great chemistry with each other. I personally love watching Stefan and Elena together, but I don't care if Elena is with Damon either. Plus, I loved Tyler and Caroline together, but I always loved the scenes with Caroline and Klaus. I especially loved the scene with Stefan and Damon in this episode. They act like two mature adults instead of stupid whiny kids. They have been around for a long time to mature so they should act mature. Sometimes, Damon acts a little childish, but it's cute when he does.

Now on to the comparison. I've always loved to compare Supernatural and Vampire Diaries. Because one show I love and the other I loved and become obsessed with. That's why I don't ever want to be obsessed with Vampire Diaries. My obsession with Supernatural just made my love for the show turn into hate. After watching Vampire Diaries hundredth episode, I realize how crappy Supernaturals hundredth episode really was. Supernaturals hundredth episode was really all about, you guessed it, Dean Winchester. But that's what Supernatural has been all about since the fourth season. Good old Dean who the writers have actually made me hate. There is someone who hates Dean more than he hates himself and that's me. Also, in Supernaturals 100th was Adam. And there was a lot of the story that centered on him and before that he had only been in one episode.The 100th episode of Supernatural should have been all about Sam and Dean because they were supposedly the heart of the show. Now we all know who the true heart of the show really is and it's Dean. Or at least that's who the writers love the most.

I love Vampire Diaries because after every episode I have a good feeling or I'm left shocked and surprised by some new plot twist. After watching Supernatural, I'm depressed and I think to myself, haven't I already seen this plot repeated over and over again. Now Dean has Sam's storyline and everything else. I remember Sam almost saying the exact same words that Dean spouts now about everyone dying around him. It's getting boring. The minute I saw the title for this weeks Supernatural and that it was called First Born and Cain was in it, I knew by the end of the episode that Dean would have the mark of Cain on him. What a shock? Not.
I haven't read spoilers for either show lately, but Vampire Diaries doesn't constantly go around and around in circles and have the same plots over and over. How many more times is Sam going to be possessed by either a demon or an angel and how many more times is Dean going to say that everything is on him and him only? And then both of them act stupid for how long. Vampire Diaries and now The Originals always have something new coming up to challenge their characters and that's what I love. There's always something new and fresh and it's never predictable like Supernatural has become.

Well that's all for now. I can't wait to watch the 100th episode of Vampire Diaries again and again.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Vampire Diaries: One Hundred Great Episodes And More To Come

Wow! Vampire Diaries with 100 episodes already. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. It seems like just yesterday when I started watching it. I've loved every episode so far and I'm sure I'm going to love every episode until the end of the series. I really appreciate all the writers, directors, producers and everyone who makes this show possible. I really love and appreciate Paul Wesley, Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, Steven R McQueen, Candice Accola, Kat Graham, Zach Roerig, Michael Trevino, Matt Davis, Joseph Morgan, Sarah Canning, Claire Holt, Daniel Gillies, Susan Walters, Marguerite MacIntyre and all the rest of the actors and actresses that have come and gone during the course of the show. They have been absolutely wonderful and I love whoever casts all these wonderful people.
I'm grateful to this show for so many reasons. I've laughed and cried while watching, but most of all, this show has made me feel good. I love all the characters whether they be good or bad or a little of both. I have loved all the music on the show and I've found so much new music because of this show. I love the soundtrack and I love to listen to it at work.
I love that this show inspired the spin off of The Originals. Now, I have two shows to love instead of just one. The Originals is just as good as Vampire Diaries and I'm glad that I get to see more stories and more new characters on both shows.
I'm posting today even though the show is tomorrow because I probably won't be able to type or think straight after the 100th episode.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Supernatural: First Born Or Dean Winchester The Killer

I really think Robbie Thompson is the worst writer for Supernatural ever. Why? First off in this wonderful episode, Castiel is supposedly healing Sam slowly and just happens to find some grace left over from Gadreel. Last season when Sam was doing the trials, Castiel told Dean that Sam was damaged in ways he couldn't even heal. Now, all of a sudden with some borrowed grace he can heal Sam. And after Castiel sucks how much grace out of Sam and he's all bloody and whatever, Castiel heals him up like nothing. You gotta love the insta-fix. But, that's how it always is with Sam's character. Sam can not have any kind of powers or anything else. All his psychic stuff was gone long ago and everything else that made me love him. I thought for a minute that maybe the grace that was in Sam that Castiel was going to extract, was indeed really Sam's. Apparently not. I guess Sam will carry the little bit of Gadreel grace left in him until it disappears. Don't know why Castiel needs Gadreel's grace to find him when he found Anna in the past.
Stupid, but that's what the writers are now. They don't even pay attention to what has been written before. Or maybe they are and Castiel is now just a big fat liar. And I love how the writers constantly bring up the fact that only Sam and Castiel have made wrong choices that they feel guilty about. Like it was their choices and their choices only that affected the world or killed people. Like they are always wrong by trying to help people, but darling Dean is always right because he's so righteous no matter what decisions he makes.
Instead of having Sam and Castiel doing that crap with the grace, Robbie should just have let there be one short little scene at the beginning with Castiel healing Sam and Sam sleeping or something. It could have been about one or two minutes. At least, Jared could have had more time off. Hopefully, the writers will give Jared plenty of time off, now that he has a new baby added to the family. Instead of wasting his time, they should give him time off because they really don't care about Sam as a character at all. They just fill some extra space in the show when they need it or Sam needs to be around for poor Dean so that he doesn't feel even more bad about himself. And the writers think they are giving Sam fans what they want. They are not. I'd rather not have Sam in an episode if they are not going to have him doing anything that pertains to the overall episode theme.  There's was only one thing I liked in this episode and that was that Dean is a killer. He doesn't care who he kills and he never has. He's killed demons and angels that have been possessing humans, but he could care less about the humans being possessed unless they happen to be someone he cares about. Also, I've always known Dean hates himself because he always acts like a dick to Sam and everyone else.
The last episode gave me a small spark of hope and this episode totally extinguished it. Whatever. I have other better shows to watch and more to look forward to this year.

Pet Stories, Pet City And Happy Baby

These are the pet games I'm currently playing. At least, I still have them. Who knows how long I'll have them or how long they'll stick around? Hopefully, they don't get closed down like Pet Society did. Happy Baby was gone for a while and I didn't think it would come back, but it did. They never update it, but I don't care. I just love to play with Sammo and it's the closest game to Pet Society that I've been able to find. I love how Sammo will jump at the screen and kiss it because it's like he's giving me a big kiss. I didn't think I'd ever want to play Pet City once Pet Society was closed down. I didn't play it for months last year because I spent all the time I could with Sammy in Pet Society before it was gone. Pet Stories is a cute game and you're just collecting pets and putting them in enclosures. I like it and I play it every day. I love collecting the pets. You can race the pets, take pics of them and display them in a special enclosure. It's fun.
None of them will ever replace Pet Society in my heart or be as fun to play. I'm just grateful right now that I have them to play. I love taking pics of all of them. Sometimes I can get really good ones. I sometimes wonder if my Facebook friends think I'm crazy. Well, if they do, they are right on the money. I am crazy because I love pets and I'll never stop loving them.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sleepy Hollow Finale

Wow! I just loved the season finale of Sleepy Hollow. I love the writers of this show. They know how to tell a story right and how to make it exciting and surprising. I love how the characters were all in some kind of peril for the cliffhanger. Now that's what I love. I love all of them and now I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. I'll have to wait quite a while for that, until next Fall. That's a long time. It will feel like I'm in Purgatory until then. I love how the writers did Purgatory as well. It was way better than stupid Supernatural's version. On Supernatural, Purgatory is where all the monsters go and fight each other in a forest. How stupid. Maybe that's why I didn't really care for the first part of season eight on Supernatural. It was dumb with all those stupid flashbacks.
I'll have to go back and watch all the episodes of Sleepy Hollow again. I'm just sad that the season was so short. I read on some sites where some fans like short seasons, but I don't. I don't think the writers would run out of ideas right away. Every episode was like some little mini movie or something. While I was watching the first hour of the finale, all I could think about was that the show was like National Treasure. I love the history stuff too. It made the show even more interesting and great to watch.

I really wish the writers of Supernatural would look at some of these other shows and finally do something different for a season finale. It's been the same old tired crap for how many seasons now.
season one was John, Sam and Dean in the impala and that was my favorite one because they were all together.
season two was Sam and Dean together at the end
season three was Dean going to hell.
season four was Sam and Dean together after Lucifer was freed.
season five was Sam going to hell
season six was Sam and Dean together with Castiel playing God
season seven was Dean going to Purgatory and Crowley taking Kevin and Sam left on his own
season eight was Sam and Dean together with angels falling
So what's going to happen at the end of season nine. I'm sure Dean will end up going somewhere. Heaven, Hell, Purgatory or possibly another planet. I'm sure Sam and Dean will be separated again because it happens every other season for some dumb reason.

This is the first post I've posted using my new laptop computer I just got. I love it. My other computer's cord started melting and it popped even. Lucky it didn't start a fire. My old computer was over five years old. I'm surprised it lasted that long. Usually anything electric dies around me. If anything lasts longer than a year, then it's pretty damn good. I used my old computer almost every day that I had it, except when I went on trips.
Well that's about all for now.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I Still Love Jared And Now I'm Seen Thor 12 Times

It's only because I still love Jared that I watched Road Trip, the last Supernatural episode. It was a pretty good episode and I'm surprised by that. I just had to ignore all the Dean sniveling scenes. I love how Dean is so broken up about Kevin's death, but he didn't really care about Kevin at all. All Dean did was demand Kevin to translate the tablets. Dean treated Kevin about the same way he treats Sam and Castiel. I'm so tired of Dean and his I have to do everything by myself crap or everything is on him and no one else. He acts like he's alone and there's no one else around.
Getting back to Jared. Jared is just a fantastic actor and I love that he can play multiple roles on the show, but I really love to watch him as Sam. His portrayal of Sam is the main reason I loved Supernatural so much. I'd really love to see some focus on Sam now, but I doubt it. I'm sure the rest of season nine will be spent on another Dean guilt trip, like we haven't had to suffer through how many seasons of that already. I looked at what's coming up in the next episode and I hope we get some good scenes between Sam and Castiel. I'll just ignore the parts with Dean again and it might be another good episode. The only stupid thing I saw coming up is that Sam still has some grace left in him and Castiel is going to extract it to try and track down Gadreel. Why would Castiel need it? He used a spell to track down Anna and she was in the past, so why couldn't he do the same with Gadreel? That's probably just the dumb writers who just write whatever without looking at what was written in past episodes. Whatever. I just have to ignore some crap and the show becomes watchable. I'm also loving Mark Sheppard as Crowley again. I've always loved him, except for the beginning of this season when he's had nothing to do. At least, Crowley will be free now and be able to cause a lot of trouble.

On Tuesday, I went to see Thor for the 11th time and then again tonight for the 12th time. It's been at the cheap theater, so why not. I love it. I don't think I'll ever get enough of it. Now, I can't wait to see Tom Hiddleston in No Lovers Left Alive. I have to wait until April though. Next month, Thor The Dark World will be out on DVD and I'll be watching it even more times on my TV. I can't wait. I really wish that Jared could be in a Marvel movie. I bet he would either play a great hero or an ever greater villain. Jared could play any kind of character and he'd be great at it.
Well that's it for now.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Award Shows

This is the time of year when there are a ton of award shows on. I sometimes watch a few of them, but mostly I find them boring. Why? Probably because my favorites never win awards and does it really matter if they win awards or not. I love my favorite movies, TV shows, actors and actresses no matter what. If they win an award great, but if they don't, who cares. It seems like the same actors and actresses are up for awards every year. Like the Academy Awards and Golden Globe awards. I see the same stars up for awards year after year. There are tons of talented actors and actresses out there and tons of great movies.
Most of the movies that get nominated for the Academy and Golden Globe awards, I've never even heard of nor will I ever go and see them in the theater. A lot of them, I will never watch, even if someone paid me to watch them. That goes for some of the TV shows as well.
I go to movies for entertainment not art. I don't care what critics say. I love the movies I love and that's all. There are certain reasons I go to certain movies. Sure, most of the time it's for an actor I like or for a certain character I like. I go to the movies for me and not to just say that I went to this movie or that movie because everyone else has seen it. I can't stand people who only go to movies because other people tell them it's a good movie or they go to it because everyone else it going to it. I don't care how many awards a movie receives, if I don't think it looks good, then I'm not going to it. Some of my favorite movies have never even gotten an award.
I think the movies that people go see over and over again are the real winners, even if they don't get awards or critics don't like them. Some of my favorite movies and shows have gotten awards, but most of them have never gotten any at all.
My favorite movie Thor The Dark World never got nominated for any awards that I've seen. I've went to see it 10 times now and I want to see it again and again. I love all the stars in it and everything about it. I bought the soundtrack because I love the music and I can listen to it at work. To me, a really great movie has a good storyline, lots of action, an excellent cast, great direction and awesome music. Thor had them all.
My favorite TV shows hardly ever win awards either. I love them no matter what. I could care less if they win or not. I'll keep watching and loving them. I don't watch shows just because they win stupid awards or other people think they are great. I watch them because I want to watch them and they give me something. I don't care if I have someone to talk to or not about them. I don't care if anyone else loves them or not. I love them and that's all that matters to me.
I usually only watch award shows when there is nothing else on and my favorite shows are repeats. Sometimes I get a good laugh out of them or I see some of my favorite stars. Otherwise, I don't really care about them.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

10 Times I've Seen Thor The Dark World

Now I've seen Thor ten times. I finally noticed a flaw after 10 times. I guess the other 9 times, I was either drooling over Loki or I was entranced by him. It's funny that I noticed it this time. It doesn't matter to me because I think the movie is flawless. I just put on my Loki goggles and nothing else matters. Also, Loki called Thor brother 4 times. I counted that wrong.
I've been watching Avengers over and over again. I love Thor and Loki and they are the best part of the movie. Their scenes together were the best. I swear I can just feel the love between them every time they fight and call each other brother. The next Avengers movie isn't going to be as good without Loki. There will be no Thor and Loki scenes for me to love.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Nine Times To Thor The Dark World

I've gone to see Thor The Dark World nine times now. I've seen this movie in the theaters more times than any other movie. It beat out Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings movies. I seen the first movie of both of them about 7 or 8 times. When I really love a movie, I'll go and see it many times. It's rare now a days to like a movie that much that I'll see it that many times. I've gone twice to a few movies in the last couple of years, but no movie has been so good that I'll just keep going to it until it's gone from the theaters.
I love how Loki told Frigga that Odin was not his father or that she was not his mother, but then called Thor brother three times. I think Loki loved them all, but didn't want to admit it to himself.
I love how Thor still went to protect Loki and save him even after all Loki has done. Loki did save Jane and Thor, so he does still care. I love watching Thor and Loki together. I love when they fight and I love when they talk to each other. They are both very passionate and I love that.
My Sammo is dressed as  Loki in this pic. I'm very grateful to have Happy Baby to play. My Pet Society is gone, but it will never be forgotten and neither will my Sammy. I still wish I could play with him and it would have been fun if they would have had an Avengers theme.
Well that's it for now.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Pics From My Last Trip To Reno

I love taking pics of different kinds of things. I wanted to take more pics on my trip, but the battery in my camera died.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sammy-Perhaps Love
