Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why I Deleted My Post?

Here's why I deleted one of my earlier posts. Someone asked me to, but I'm sorry when I say that I really don't think you love me. Please don't be mean to my sister because she has no control over what I do. Here's why I made the post. It was to vent about something that pissed me off and that's what my Hell House is for, plus to say how much I love entertainment. I meant nothing against your family because I didn't mention names, it's sad when people have to go snooping on other people's blogs.

Why do I love entertainment so much? Why do I love my shows, music and books? They have been my drugs for years. They've helped me more than anyone on this Earth. When I've been depressed and I felt like the world's coming to an end. These are the things that I cling to the most. I'd cling to my family, but they have their own problems and their own lives.

I've been reading the person's blog for a while and maybe I saw something in her that I saw in myself long ago. I've taken a good hard look at myself, that's what I meant when I said she should look in a mirror. I wasn't talking about her personal appearance. I'm personally short, fat and ugly and I know it. I'm not a beautiful person inside or out. I know who I am and I love myself and I don't care if anyone else loves me or not. I love myself and that's all that matters. I love the old saying, "No one will ever love you, until you can love yourself." No truer words were ever spoken.

My Hell House is for my love for Supernatural, all my TV shows, all the singers, all my authors and for the people who inspire me. I watch and I listen to music because I learn from these things. Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't care. I try not to inflict myself on other people and I mainly keep to myself. I like to be alone, but I also like to spend time with the people I love. I love TV, but I love my family and friends more and I treasure my time with them, like the greatest treasures I own.

I'm sad that people looked at one thing I wrote on a blog and judged me for it and went postal over it. I never mentioned names or anything. I've deleted the post, so now leave my blog alone and go snoop or read other more interesting blogs please.


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