Friday, October 16, 2009

I've Got To Stay Off Message Boards

I swear that I don't know what possessed me to even try to post or talk to people on a message board. People are so close minded, that it's pathetic. Let's all believe one thing and one thing only and that's the only possibility. Eric Kripke is trying to trick people and boy does he succeed at that. People believe every word he says, just like he is God or something. That is so scary and wrong. I love Eric for making Supernatural, but it's sad when people believe everything he says and most of the time he's lying and people are too stupid to know it. Kripke isn't going to tell people everything and he's trying to mislead people into thinking one thing and then he'll do something totally opposite and people will be all surprised. Sorry, but I'm not that stupid. I love to think about all the possibilities and all the different things that could happen.

It's kind of like when Lucifer supposedly came to Sam and told him that he was his vessel. Was that even Lucifer? Everyone thinks it was, but who knows if it was or not. Dean seeing the future. Was that even the future or another trick that Zac was pulling on Dean. Who knows? Maybe Castiel made Sam see Lucifer and then showed Dean some future where Sam becomes Lucifer just to get them back together. Who knows? Is Castiel even on Sam and Dean's side? For all we know he's on Lucifer's side and working for him, not God. I'm not going to believe anything, yet.

I'm also getting so tired of people referring to Sam having an addiction to demon blood. That is just stupid. Sure it was like an addiction, but Sam was addicted to the power he thought he got from it, not the demon blood. Sam wanted the power to save people and help people, not kill and destroy. How people don't get that is way beyond me?

You ask a simple question about Dean and people freak the hell out. I swear it's almost impossible to get a decent conversation or discussion going with anyone. I guess I'd better go back to just saying I love them and forget about plot points because there's not a lot out there who can open their minds to all the possibilities. Some can, but God are they hard to find.

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