Monday, October 11, 2010

My Little Vampires

All my little demons have now turned into little vampires. Their little town has gone vamp crazy and now everyone is dressing up as vampires. My little vamps bought wigs so they could pretend to be Edward and Bella from Twilight. Little Bela said she's already Bella, but her name only has one L in it. Sammy decked out his new room with all kinds of vampire items and a new coffin bed. I told my little vamps that there was going to be a vampire episode of Supernatural coming up and they got so excited and starting jumping up and down. I told them that Dean is supposed to get bitten and he might turn into a vamp. Now they can't wait to see the episode. I told them it won't come on for a few more weeks. This week is the Bobby episode where Bobby is going to call Sam and Dean to come and help him. Then there's an episode about the truth. Little Sammy asked if that was the episode that Dean punches Sam and I told him it was. Little Sammy asked why Dean always has to punch on Sam. I told him I didn't know why. Little Sammy said that Sam needs Dean to hug him and not punch him. I told Sammy that that's what grown men do sometimes. They punch instead of hug and sometimes they punch and then hug. It's really confusing. Little Sammy said it wasn't confusing to him and he went and hugged little Dean and told him he loved him and they went to go play.
Little Sammy bought a new toy and I can't figure out what it does. Sammy said it was really special and I can't see anything special about it. It looks like a floppy eared bunny that just sits there. Oh well! If Sammy wanted to spend his money on it, then that's okay.
My little vamps asked why I wasn't going on the message boards anymore. I told them there are too many people complaining and whining about the show. There are a lot of good people with great ideas and thoughts, but I always end of seeing something I don't like in the process of finding their posts. I get mad and I know I shouldn't because it doesn't do me any good or them. I just don't understand it. I told my little vamps that I'd rather spend more time with them than go on those boards and they were very happy about that. I am too.

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