Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life Expected

How boring and predictable and expected was Life Unexpected's finale? I'm glad I missed the first hour of the crap and most of the second hour because I knew it was going to be crap and it was. Who didn't know that Cate and Baze would end up together at the end of the show? How unexpected was that? I even knew that Ryan's ex would show up and really be pregnant and that Cate would lose their baby. I didn't even watch the show and I knew that's what happened. That was one of the worst endings for a show that I've ever seen and I'm glad now that the show was cancelled. The second season started out not that good and it went downhill. There were a few good episodes and scenes that I really loved. I still wish Cate and Ryan would have ended up together because that would have been unexpected. The most stupid thing was the end when Lux was talking about light years. That should have been the title of the show and the last two years went like the speed of light. If the writer's wanted Cate and Baze to be together in the end, then they should have slowly been putting them back together and Cate and Ryan should not have gotten married at all.

This show reminds me of Felicity. A show I absolutely adored when it first aired because it was so good. It steadily went downhill in it's first season and then got worse and worse. There were a few good episodes and scenes during the years, but that was it. I hated how they turned Noel into an asshole, just to make that stupid Ben's character look good. The same thing happened on Life Unexpected with Ryan's character. They purposely made his character look rotten in the second season to make Baze's character better. It's interesting how women go for the guys most likely to cheat on them and be unfaithful to them instead of the sweet and steady guys that would love only them. I think most women think they are going to change the guy they are with and made him into a better man. How deluded is that? You can never make someone be a better person because they have to want to be a better person and do things themselves. Someone else doesn't make you into a better person.

Oh well! That's the end of that dumb show and I don't have to worry about it and I certainly will not miss it being on. I do hope that Supernatural ends up getting a seventh season because it might end up being the only show I watch after this season. Who knows? I'm getting tired of all the stupid reality shows that are coming out. One day, we're just going to be watching each other on TV and there will be no good shows on to watch. There are only a few good shows out there right now. There may be more, but I don't know about them or haven't watched them. I guess I'd rather do other things than watch TV.

I can't wait for Supernatural to come back on. I've been reading spoilers and things are looking good. I'm sure they'll be more surprises and hopefully they'll be good ones and not bad ones. I'm sure we'll get to see the unexpected on Supernatural. Instead of Life Unexpected, it's Supernatural Unexpected.

I can't wait for the L.A. Con because it's really going to be good. I just saw that Jim Beaver is coming and I'm very happy about that. I keep looking at the Convention site every day for news and updates. There's only about three weeks left and I'm getting more and more excited.

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