Saturday, October 29, 2011

Supernatural: Slash Fiction, Chuck Bass and Vampire Diaries

Another great episode of Supernatural. Slash Fiction was very fun to watch or at least the parts I saw when a train wasn't going by. I hope I didn't miss anything good and if I did, I can watch online soon. I loved seeing the Levi Sam and Dean and just listening to them talk. I actually liked the scenes with Bobby for a change. It's been a while since he's had some good scenes with someone besides just Sam and Dean. And it was nice that he got to be with a woman and not Ellen. I still think of that and it makes me want to puke. I like Jodie Mills and I hope we see more of her in upcoming episodes. I'm glad I got to see the scene where Levi Dean told Sam that Dean killed Amy. Just the look on poor Sam's face.
I still think Dean thinks of Sam as some monster or whatever that one day he's going to have to kill. Just like he killed Amy. The weird thing about it, is why does Dean think that way? I just don't get it. Sam has never tried to kill people intentionally or otherwise, so why would Dean think that he's just going to one day crack and start killing people. Even when Sam drank demon blood and when he was soulless he was never really a danger to others. Sam tried to save and help people.
I love how Dean acted with soulless Sam. Like Dean had to stop him. Stop him from killing monsters that were killing people. That's just like when Sam drank demon blood. The only ones that were at risk from Sam, were demons, so why was Dean so afraid of Sam.
I'm enjoying Supernatural so much that I just don't like to think about it too much. Sometimes I totally and completely try to over analyze stuff. Now to talk about Dean and Chuck Bass. I think they have quite a bit in common with each other. They both drink a ton of booze to dull their pain. They both were never allowed to be kids and now that they're adults they act childish because they were never allowed to be kids. I loved what that therapist told Chuck and if she had talked to Dean, she would have told him almost the same thing, plus a little bit more. Chuck even had Daddy issues just like Dean.
Now on to Vampire Diaries. I love this show right now. It still gets better and better. I love all the characters and how they interact with each other and just all the stuff that is happening in one episode. The writers can have multiple stories going and they do a great job with all of them. I can't wait for more after each episode. Sometimes the show goes so fast, that I can't believe when it's over.
This last episode made me cry at the end. I swear Vampire Diaries has everything going on and I love it. It still reminds me of Dawson's Creek, but it's way better and so are the characters.
My little Sammy is a cereal killer and little Dean is a big pile of golden crap or poop. They are so cute that I had to include them in my post.

This week has been really crazy for me. My Internet was gone for Thursday because our service turned it off and the phone. The first time in 50 years that my Mom has had her phone, it got shut off. My Mom paid the bill and it went to the service, but someone stole the money. My Mom called and they told her they were going to investigate it and that she could just pay her next bill when she always does. Then they go and turn our services off. My Mom had to call again and explain everything to two more people about what happened and they turned our phone and Internet back on. That was so crazy.
Then yesterday I got something in my eye and it bothered me all day at work. I went to the doctor and it was some small little thing in my eye and it was scratching it. The doctor took it out. I couldn't believe it. I'm really blind from a distance. I can't read how much. I like big print on the computer because I can read it better.
My family is driving me crazy. I wish two of them would start taking responsibility for their own lives and the choices they make and have made and quit blaming other people all the time. I love people who sit and blame every crappy thing that happens to them on someone else. They never accept responsibility for the choices they make in life. It drives me crazy and that's all I'll say.

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