Saturday, May 9, 2015

Remembering Sammy

The pain of losing Pet Society and my little Sammy and Co is still so strong in my heart. I miss them every day. Yes, I have Pet City now, but it will never be Pet Society. Just seeing all my old pics come up on Facebook makes me miss Sammy even more. I love to see them, though and I love remembering all the good times I had playing.
NBC cancelled Constantine and all I could think about was Pet Society. EA didn't give a crap about it's players and NBC doesn't give a crap about it's viewers. Same thing. All they care about is money, but isn't that what most people care about now. They just want money and could care less about anything else. Money doesn't buy love or happiness. I personally just want enough money to fix up my house, but it seems like I can never save enough to do it.
I've gotten kind of bored with TV lately. I still love watching my shows, but sometimes if I miss them when they come on, I don't watch them later. I may watch some of them over the summer when there is nothing on, but who knows. I've missed watching The Originals and I haven't watched the show since it came back after the winter break. I have been reading the books that have come out. I love the first two and I can't wait to read the third. I read a Vampire Diaries book on my new Kindle and it was really strange. I liked it, but it wasn't as good as the other VD books I've read. I can't wait to see Ian when he comes here to the Comic Con in Sept. That's going to be great.
I've really been loving Once Upon A Time lately and The Blacklist. Both shows have been great.
Now on to my stupid work. I really thought I was going to have a good year at my job and now I don't think so. I think the rest of this year is going to suck. I need to go back to being quiet and not talking again like I did long ago. It seems no matter what I do, I will never win. It's just like the song by Kelly Clarkson. I will never fit in or do anything right. I need to stop trying.
I've been posting some of my favorite songs of all time. I love all these songs for different reasons. It's nice to come on my blog and see and listen to them.

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