Wednesday, July 29, 2015

In Honor Of Cecil The Lion

My Johnny named this lion Cecil. What is sad is that one day, the only place we will see lions are in a zoo, pictures or animated ones. It would be nice to see a lion out in the wild from a distance and have the knowledge that it's free and alive. I always get sad seeing them at the zoo. It's sad that there are very few lions still wild out there. I don't know why, but seeing all the pics of Cecil and what that stupid hunter did to him, just have depressed me so much. It was a beautiful proud lion that was beloved and some idiot ended his life so horribly. I just can't understand what kind of person enjoys killing anything. The only reason I think people kill animals is to get some kind of power trip. The sad thing is, these idiots will never understand that power is just an illusion.
I've been getting so sad reading about all the animals that are endangered, threatened, being tortured and horribly killed for the sickest of reasons. This Earth was once a beautiful paradise that we were given and all we've done is turned it into a living hell. I think about things all the time and I guess it's just a luck of the draw. While some animals are revered, others are slaughtered and tortured. I do believe animals have souls and how many animals have saved human beings lives and they've asked for nothing in return but love. It's sad that we can't even love one other, let alone love all the creatures that inhabit this planet with us. We hate, torture and kill each other and we do the same to animals. Sometimes I feel we are the only real animals on this planet. We were born with intellect, but we choose to let are baser instincts rule us. I love how we do nothing to stop our own overpopulation of this planet, but heaven forbid if any animals overpopulate. And most of the time it's because of us that this happens. We kill how many animals a day and a lot of them for no other reason than they are taking up too much space or they are a nuisance or some other dumb reason.
I'm not some crazy vegan either. I eat meat and I think some animals are meant for us to eat, but they should be killed swiftly and with as little pain as possible. Animals in the wild kill other animals to eat and we are just at the top of the food chain. People will always eat meat, so there will always be animals that are killed for meat. I saw the videos about what happens to the chickens, cows and pigs and it broke my heart. I eat chicken, but I never really thought about what happened or how the chickens were killed. By me not eating chicken, will people stop killing chicken. Highly unlikely. I guess you have to look at all sides of things. I sometimes think if I didn't go to a restaurant or a fast food place to eat some chicken, what would happen? I'm sure tons of good food goes in the trash, so that poor chicken or cow died for nothing. I guess that's how I have to see things. I don't eat a lot of meat. I mainly eat chicken when I do eat meat. But, I eat cheese and drink milk. I hope those vegans who claim people can't stand up for animal rights don't eat cheese, eggs, or drink milk or any dairy product. Those animals are not treated any better and most end up being killed for meat after. Farmers kill how many animals to keep them away from their crops, so going vegan is not helping to save animals either.
Animals should be treated with dignity and respect. They should not be tortured or abused before being slaughtered. You'd think we'd be grateful to them for giving up their lives for us. That's how I would be if I had to hunt for my food and I had to kill an animal to eat so that I could survive. Most days, I would gladly give up my life for an animal because I don't think my life means anymore than theirs do.
I love animals because a certain cat named Mully was my angel straight from Heaven. She gave me love when I could not love myself and I didn't think anyone else loved me. She was always there for me when I was at my saddest and it's funny because she was an animal. Where was all the love from human beings. She gave me comfort and love and that's why I will always love animals because they do love just like we do.

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