Saturday, April 9, 2016

Supernatural:Cold Fire

I usually love the Supernatural books when they come out, no matter what has been happening on the show. This time I read the book and now I really can't remember what the story was about. I've loved the last two books by John Passarella, but this one I did not. Why? First off it was set during season 10. The worst season of Supernatural and the one I literally hated and do not want to see any of those episodes or even think about. Of course, there was tons of mentions of that stupid mark and Dean staring at his stupid arm. I could have done without that since it happened in almost every episode of season ten. And John had to just include the names of how many of the worst characters that have ever been in the show and the one that I hate the most that starts with a C.
And add that Castiel helped them with the case and it didn't even feel like I was reading a Supernatural book at all. I do not think having Castiel in the book added anything at all to the story. I could not even concentrate on the actual story because all I could think about was those crappy characters that I didn't even want to think about and they just had to be mentioned.
I wish John would have set this book in season 8 or 9 and maybe it would have been better. And left stupid Castiel and that mark of Cain crap out of it.
I hope the next Supernatural book that comes out in June by Tim Waggoner is better and is set in another season. And I hope Castiel is not in it. If he is, then I doubt I will buy the book. I think I'll wait to buy it until after the reviews come out and I find out if it's good or not.
I'm so disappointed. I waited a long time for this book to come out because I thought it would be great to read the book because some of the books have been better than the show. I know that I loved the first two Supernatural books by John and I wish I could have loved this one.
I've been watching Supernatural and the sad thing is, is that it is still the same crap over and over again. Now some of the crap is just with Castiel instead of Sam or Dean. I wish the writers of the show would just kill either Castiel or Sam and make the show be about whichever one is left with Dean. I'm tired of the back and forth crap and I noticed it seems that Dean can't live without Sam, but it's like he doesn't care about him. And Dean it seems to me cares more about losing good old Castiel instead of his own brother. And he shows more emotion over losing Castiel and in the scenes they are in together. While Sam dies and Dean just leaves and hardly cries. Sam gets shot and it's like oh well.  I'm sure fans have no problem with that, but Sam sure got ripped a new asshole for choosing to have a normal life and caring about someone other than Dean. It's sad. I hope the fans that still watch enjoy all the crap they have created. That's all for now.

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