Monday, July 17, 2017

Why I Love David Tennant As Doctor Who And More

David Tennant will always and forever be my favorite Doctor Who. Why? Because he is so wonderful in the role and he made me love the Doctor. I liked the Doctor when Christopher played him, but when David took over, I started to love the Doctor. David goes through almost every emotion possible as the Doctor. David just can make me feel the loneliness of The Doctor. Sure, he has companions, but they all eventually leave him and he's alone again. In how many scenes, David doesn't ever say a word, but you can just feel what he is feeling without the words spoken. Like when he's standing in the rain. I really can't properly put into words how I feel. It seems I never can. I just know that when I watch David as Doctor Who, I love him and I love the show. Matt Smith does not have the emotional range that David has and I feel nothing for the Doctor watching how many episodes. I can't stand Amy Pond, but I love Rory. He's the only character I feel for while watching the episodes I have. Sometimes, I think I should have stopped watching after David left because it seems like the show is going down hill from there. There is not one episode I've watched after David that I even want to re-watch again. The only thing I would watch is Day Of The Doctor and that was good with both Matt and David being onscreen together. I wish there could have been a couple of episodes that featured two doctors at the same time. Some time paradox thing or something. That would have been awesome.

As for the more. I am not happy about the decision to have a female doctor. I don't know why everyone thinks if you are a female, you should be happy that a female is going to be the next doctor. I for one am not. I don't think that's some great accomplishment or that it's historic or epic. It's just stupid in my opinion. After so many years as the Doctor being a man, he all of a sudden regenerates into a woman. Now, if it had happened long ago or even recently, sure it would be fine. You think through all the times that he has regenerated that he could somehow control who he wants to be.
I hate how idiots say that you're not a fan of this show if you don't like this. I'm still a fan, but I'm not a fan of this decision and I don't care what anyone else says. I knew David would never come back and be Doctor Who again, but that would have been better than this. You'd think he could regenerate into someone he had already been. I wish David would come back as another character. That could be done. Doubt he will, but it would be great. I don't know if I'll make it to season 10 let alone to even seeing if this woman is good or not. It's been hard to even watch the episodes I'm watching in season 6. I like some of the stories, but the show has just gotten more convoluted and confusing. I found out who River Song was and now I kind of wish I didn't know who she was. I like the character, but it's getting crazy.
I'm still reading Doctor Who and I love the novels I've read so far. I still have how many more to go with the tenth doctor. I've also read a few with the older doctors and I like them. It's interesting because I read in one of the novels that Romana just would regenerate whenever she felt like it. You'd think they would be able to and that they could decide whether they wanted to stay male or female.
I personally will love whatever I want to about Doctor Who and I hope others do the same. No one has the right to tell me who or what I should love. Everyone has a favorite Doctor or companion and it's up to each person to decide who they like the most. David Tennant will always be mine and I doubt I will ever love anyone else as the Doctor.
If the Tardis appeared in my backyard and David Tennant stepped out as The Doctor, I would run to him and beg him to take me with him. If he didn't, I would make him. Now, if a woman Doctor stepped out of the Tardis, I would get my gun and tell her to get the hell off my property. LOL

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