Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Love Pet Society

I love Pet Society on Facebook. Pet Society is celebrating their 2ND Birthday. I've been playing for over a year now. I can't believe it's been that long. I just love my little Sammy and he makes me happy. I don't know how it's possible for a computerized pet to make me happy, but it does. They've always got something new going on and they've come up with some really cute things. I love taking pictures of my Sammy with my other pets. I love to take pictures of all the stuff and my Sammy's big house. I really needed a boost and my little Sammy gave it to me. They're having parties and now four pets can be in your house at once. It's so cute because it looks like they are really having a party. They hug, wave and dance. It's so cute and I love watching them. Some would say I need to get a life, but this is my life and I don't care what others think of it. I can do whatever I want with my time and if it makes me happy and doesn't hurt anyone, then I'm going to do it.

I've been watching some season 2 episodes of Supernatural that I haven't watched in a long time. Road Kill, Heart, Hollywood Babylon and Folsom Prison Blues. Road Kill was really interesting and I liked it a lot. Sam told Molly that salting and burning the body was death to ghosts, but they weren't sure about it. Molly was cremated, so she was just sticking around because she had unfinished business. You never know what happened to John Winchester or if he's sticking around watching over Sam and Dean or if he let go and went on to wherever. I think the ghost goes only if they want to and not because their body is salted and burned. Or maybe they go to Hell, when they're salted and burned, if they've been killing people because it looks to me like they burn up or something. Who knows? I sure in hell don't.

I just finished reading a book called The Walk by Richard Paul Evans. It was really good and inspirational. In the book, the guy's wife dies and she tells him to live before she dies. She wanted him to go on and have a life. Later she tells him that she's only behind the door or next door. How do we know if our loved ones are watching us? Maybe they want us to be happy and to keep on living, even though they are gone. You never do know. I guess the only way you're going to find out is when you die. I've always felt at peace at funerals. Even at Arlington, where all those people are buried. All I felt was a peace and nothing else. Hopefully they are all at rest. I'm sure a lot of them died suddenly and some died slowly. It's hard to think about it. When I die, then I hope it's fast and I don't suffer, but it's not up to me. I can just hope for that when my time comes.

I also finished reading a book called House Of Reckoning by John Saul. John still can make a great horror novel. This novel was awesome because it was about justice too. I loved it. I'm still reading the vampire book.

I miss typing, even if it's numbers at work. Maybe my hands just need to be doing something. I went on The CW board in my house there and that was all. I wanted to comment on that thread about Dawn Ostroff, but I didn't. I swear people are just lucky that she's kept Supernatural around and it hasn't been cancelled like a lot of other shows. I appreciate The CW and Dawn for keeping Supernatural on the air and having confidence in it. I love that my other shows like Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and Smallville are still on too. I believe that if Supernatural was on another network, it would've been cancelled a long time ago. It would never have made it past season 1 or 2. If it didn't have awesome ratings or the target audience wasn't watching, then it would have been gone on one of those big networks. I wish people would quit whining how horrible it is that Supernatural is on The CW and appreciate the fact that it's still on because of it.

I'm just hoping I'll keep loving Supernatural. I can see that storyline with Dean, Lisa and Ben going one way or the other. One way could be really good and the other could really suck and I'll stop liking the show. I just don't know. I don't know what to believe about the upcoming season or if I should believe anything. The writers and actors have all said lots of things and not all of them are going to happen or be true and I know that. It's just driving me crazy and there is still two months to go.

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